Expanding business into the ESG market

ESG Consulting worked with Mesakumo as part of a multi-phase, multi-year projekt to achieve climate neutrality as a business and advise on IT-solutions to be used to provide their clients with the ability to understand sustainability in their own supply chains.

Project Timeline

Phase #1 Kick-Off
Phase #1 Kick-Off

Mesakumo GmbH and INFINITY Consulting announce a partnership with the goals of quantifying Mesakumo’s carbon footprint and achieving CO2 neutral certification.

Phase #1 Goals
Phase #1 Goals

Definition of the term “Sustainability” for mesakumo GmbH, anchoring it in the company values and transferring knowledge to the mesakumo team.

Carrying out a materiality analysis with the emission drivers relevant to mesakumo in Scope 1-3.

Identification of possible certifications, necessary measures and roadmap for mesakumo’s certification.

Phase #1 Final Presenation & Completion
Phase #1 Final Presenation & Completion

INFINITY Consulting is pleased to announce that through our services, mesakumo GmbH was able to:

➔ Implement measures to further reduce our CO2 emissions.
➔ Implement reporting practices of their annual internal carbon footprint.
➔ Deeply integrate the three pillars of sustainability into their corporate values.

INFINITY Consulting also quantified the CO2 balance for the year 2022 for mesakumo’s office in Ulm.

Phase #2 Kick-Off
Phase #2 Kick-Off

Mesakumo GmbH and INFINITY Consulting announce phase #2 of their partnership to expand mesakumo’s offering towards emissions reporting solutions.

Phase #2 Goals
Phase #2 Goals

Develop concrete, conceptual suggestions for software products and how these could be integrated into mesakumo’s customer offering.

Phase #2 Final Presentation & Completion
Phase #2 Final Presentation & Completion

INFINITY Consulting and mesakumo GmbH are pleased to announce the conclusion of phase #2, in which we:

➔ Consulted mesakumo GmbH to supplement their customer offerings with consulting and/or software products that helped them realise the sustainability potential for their customers.
➔ Strategised a framework for the ESG consulting product offering for mesakumo GmbH to cater to the German mid-size industry group clientele to enter the corporate carbon foot printing landscape
➔Proposed a growth strategy focused on the chosen ESG niche, utilising industry-specific channels and partnerships for mesakumo GmbH alongside Osapiens (leading ESG 3rd party software)


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