Who are we
We are INFINITY Mannheim
a student society at the University of Mannheim that has set itself the task of raising awareness of sustainability in the three dimensions of economy, ecology and social issues both on campus and locally.
As one of the youngest initiatives at the University of Mannheim, we have grown from 9 to over 100 members since our formal foundation in August 2015. We see ourselves as an association of students who not only want to draw attention to the diverse problems of the present, but are also interested in developing practicable and, above all, sustainable solutions.
INFINITY Mannheim is also the first regional group of the nationwide network INFINITY Germany, which is responsible for setting up further INFINITY regional groups in other university cities.
INFINITY Mannheim was the first regional group to be founded at the University of Mannheim in 2015.
Since then, we have been able to inspire over 400 young people in Mannheim alone to take their future into their own hands as social entrepreneurs. The foundation of INFINITY Deutschland e. V. in summer 2017 laid the foundation for the expansion of our network.
Our parent organisation will coordinate the establishment of further regional groups at universities and colleges throughout Germany in the coming years.
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What we do
Wir gestalten eine moderne und zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft durch Sustainable Entrepreneurship – und setzen dabei auf einen ganzheitlichen Bildungsansatz

Understanding Problems
In Vorträgen mit Vordenkern aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft schaffen wir Bewusstsein für die drängendsten ökologischen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit sowie innovative Lösungsansätze für eine nachhaltige Zukunft.

Developing Concepts
In Workshops mit Experten aus der Praxis vertiefen wir Themen aus den Vorträgen und entwickeln moderne Lösungskompetenzen.

Solving Local Challenges
Durch die Umsetzung von nachhaltigen Innovationen im Rahmen von Startup–Projekten steuern wir Mannheim auf das Ziel der Klimaneutralität bis 2030 zu.